
Created by berryman2 11 years ago
Charlotte and I were friends but we were also more than friends. We were colleagues, fellow writers, collaborating researchers. We were a team. We never quibbled or debated or had even the whisper of a contrasting point of view. We never lost sight of our goal. Charlotte was fiercely tenacious and always true. There never was better rapport between people. Common purpose in a worthy cause united us: recognition of Americans who volunteered to fight for Britain in the very dark days of the Second World War. We felt we owed them a debt of gratitude and sought to dispel their anonymity. We succeeded. We exulted in the BBC documentary that Charlotte engineered and the published book we did together. Charlotte's richest legacy are Joe and Sophie. They have their mother's strength of character and boundless sense of humor, her grace and her beauty. How lucky we are to have two such in our midst. Goodbye, Charlotte dear heart. You remain in our memory and in our prayers. Please be my defense counsel when Chalky stands next to me in the dock, in time. With much love, Eric and Bobbie